Embarking on our journey in March 2020, right in the midst of the pandemic-induced shutdowns, our team initially delved into the world of short-term rental arbitrage where we acted as middleman between the property owner and short-term tenant. Starting with a mix of uncertainty and determination, we weathered the challenges and soon found ourselves not just managing properties but expanding our horizons. Fast forward to our fourth year, and we are thrilled to be in a phase of growth, amplifying our team and fostering partnerships that align with our vision.
In 2021, our company, born out of a somewhat audacious decision during the tumultuous times of COVID-19, burgeoned from managing two short-term rentals to an impressive portfolio of 19 properties. As friends and business partners, we’ve crisscrossed various parts of the US and ventured internationally, experiencing the charm of short-term rentals firsthand. Enamored by the unique and memorable stays we’ve had, we were inspired to extend the same exceptional experience to fellow travelers like ourselves. Join us on this remarkable journey as we continue to expand, evolve, and create memorable stays for our guests.
Turn Key
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Embarking on our journey in March 2020, right in the midst of the pandemic-induced shutdowns, our team initially delved into the world of short-term rental arbitrage where we acted as middleman between the property owner and short-term tenant. Starting with a mix of uncertainty and determination, we weathered the challenges and soon found ourselves not just managing properties but expanding our horizons. Fast forward to our fourth year, and we are thrilled to be in a phase of growth, amplifying our team and fostering partnerships that align with our vision.
In 2021, our company, born out of a somewhat audacious decision during the tumultuous times of COVID-19, burgeoned from managing two short-term rentals to an impressive portfolio of 19 properties. As friends and business partners, we've crisscrossed various parts of the US and ventured internationally, experiencing the charm of short-term rentals firsthand. Enamored by the unique and memorable stays we've had, we were inspired to extend the same exceptional experience to fellow travelers like ourselves. Join us on this remarkable journey as we continue to expand, evolve, and create memorable stays for our guests.
Turn Key